There are over 50 children in the village of Naranjito. Their school house has two classrooms. One class is for 1st-3rd grade and the other is for 4th-6th grade. After school, the children help to clean up the school house by sweeping and mopping.
Everyday Debbie (one of our Missionaries) organized a Vacation Bible School for the children of Naranjito. This Bible School occurred while other members of our team built latrines. On our last day in the village, all of us got to be a part of this Bible School in the form of a children's fair.
This is a great video of a mother making a blouse on a loom in front of her home. Her daughter is also a part of this video. (Her daughter was very excited to watch herself when we played back the video for her on the camera). Many handmade items like this cloth are sold at the market in San Martin.