"As the Father sent me, so I send you." John 20:21

"As the Father sent me, so I send you." John 20:21


We worked in the village of Naranjito, or 'Little Orange Tree' in Spanish.  Naranjito is a small community of about 65 families located about fifteen miles away from the town of San Martin.  Since the end of Guatemala's civil war in 1996, the village has taken steps (with organizations such as BDP and Bride Builders International) to improve the way of life for its people.  These improvements include: a bridge connecting the village to the main road, a dirt road through Naranjito, running water (though not drinkable), electricity, a 4-room school house, a church, and now:
clean latrines.

Susan's initial impressions of the village:

Here are some photos of our daily drive through Naranjito.

A view from the school on our first day of work in Naranjito.  In this video you can see one of the sinks where washing takes place.  There are many of these sinks scattered around the village.